Lauren's Tasks

Account Management

Priority 1: Account Integration

1. Platform Selection:

   - Design a user-friendly interface for selecting e-commerce platforms (e.g., eBay, Depop, Etsy).

2. Launch Page Design:

   - Create visually engaging launch pages (e.g., Google Connect) guiding users through syncing and granting access.

3. User Authorization Flow:

   - Develop a seamless flow for users to sync and allow access to pull information from their selected e-commerce platforms.

Priority 2: Seller Profile Design

1. Basic Information Section (Bryce will work with you on this one):

   - Design a section for basic seller information, including store location, key details, and a brief overview.

2. Team Members Display:

   - Implement a display for team members, if any, including their roles and contributions.

3. Team Management Interface:

   - Design an interface for managing team members, allowing the addition, removal, and role assignment.

4. Multiple Store View:

   - Explore and create a cohesive view for sellers with multiple stores, ensuring clarity and ease of navigation.

Priority 3: Permissions and Control

1. Admin Permissions and General Settings:

   - Develop a system for assigning and managing admin permissions, allowing control over critical settings.

2. Member Permissions:

   - Design a clear hierarchy of permissions for team members, ensuring appropriate access levels.

3. Control Panel Interface:

   - Create an intuitive control panel where admins can set permissions and manage team-related configurations.

Additional Tasks

Collaboration with Bryce:

1. Dashboard Integration:

   - Collaborate with Bryce to integrate Seller's Settings seamlessly into the overall seller dashboard.

2. User Experience Consistency:

   - Ensure a consistent user experience across the seller dashboard and seller profile/settings.

3. Feedback Loop:

   - Establish a feedback loop with Bryce to address any design or usability considerations for a unified platform.

Overall Collaboration and Timeline:

-  Sync with Bryce:

  - Hold regular meetings/Communicate with Bryce to synchronize efforts and maintain design consistency.

- Iterative Design Process:

  - Implement an iterative design process, gathering feedback from potential users to refine both seller settings and the dashboard.

- Testing Phase:

  - Collaborate with the development team for testing and iterative improvements based on user feedback.