Chloe's Tasks

Design System & Design Support

Priority 1: Component Creation and Design System Modification

- Create components based on current designs.

- Modify the current design system to fit team needs.

- Test and run colors for WCAG/accessibility. (more below)

Priority 2: Visual Cohesion and Consistency Oversight

- Review Figma file for visual cohesion between flows.

- Ensure smooth transition between different designers' flows.

- Reach out to designers to make suggestions for consistency.

- Assist with navigation bar and standard page layout.

Priority 3: Collaboration with Seller Dashboard Development

- Assist Bryce with the Seller Dashboard.

Priority 4: Design Implementation and Alignment Coordination

- Work closely with front end during handoff.

- Ensure design is implemented (as close as possible) according to vision.

- Advise designers and ensure alignment between design and front end.

- Uphold original design principles throughout implementation.

Ensuring Compliance with WCAG Guidelines

Importance of WCAG Guidelines:

  - WCAG guidelines ensure that our platform is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

  - Compliance with these guidelines enhances usability and inclusivity, allowing a broader audience to engage with our product.

  - Failure to adhere to WCAG standards may result in legal implications and exclusion of users with disabilities.

Color Accessibility:

  - Verify that color combinations used in the design meet contrast requirements outlined in WCAG guidelines.

  - Ensure that text and interactive elements have sufficient color contrast to be easily distinguishable.

  - Adjust color choices as needed to enhance readability and ensure compliance with accessibility standards.

Typography and Font Sizes:

  - Review font sizes throughout the platform to ensure they meet minimum readability standards.

  - Increase font sizes if necessary to improve legibility, especially for users with visual impairments.

  - Ensure adequate spacing between lines of text to enhance readability and comprehension.

Actionable Steps:

  - Conduct a thorough audit of the platform's color palette, typography, and font sizes.

  - Identify any instances where colors may not meet contrast requirements or font sizes are too small.

  - Make necessary adjustments to color choices, font sizes, and spacing to align with WCAG guidelines.

  - Document any changes made and provide recommendations for maintaining accessibility standards moving forward.

The goal is that our platform is accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities, and provide a more inclusive experience for everyone.

Additional Tips